01332 842424

Safeguarding Children

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Claire’s School Solutions is committed to the principle that it will obtain the highest level of commitment and efficiency from its candidates and therefore meet the following objectives:-

  • Prevent unsuitable people from working with children and vulnerable adults.
  • Promote safe practice and challenge poor and unsafe practice.
  • Contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved in the placement of permanent and supply candidates into schools, academies and education establishments across the UK.

It is vital that the policy of C.S.S., to recruit candidates, meets all legislative requirements as described in the Keeping Children Safe in Education, utilising supplementary guidance as detailed in “Working together to Safeguard Children”.

All organisations and individuals who work with children and young people, or are involved in providing services for them have a duty to safeguard and promote their welfare. C.S.S. will do everything possible to prevent appointing people who may pose a risk to children.

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The following checks are completed:

  • An initial pre-screen via telephone
  • Face to face interview with every candidate
  • Medical fitness for work with children/vulnerable adults
  • Proof of address using original documents dated within the last 3 months
  • Proof of National Insurance number
  • Entitlement to work in the UK using original documents
  • Proof of Identify using original documents
  • Visa requirements (where applicable)
  • Full 10 Year education and employment history.
  • Two written professional references
  • Original Qualifications
  • NQT induction status (where applicable)
  • DBS Barred List Check, re-checked every 12 months for working candidates
  • QTS check (where applicable)
  • Prohibition & Sanctions Check via the NCTL website
  • Induction Status via the NCTL website
  • Enhanced DBS Disclosure via C.S.S. or if another agency then an online check using the DBS Update checking service, this will be re-checked every 6 months for working candidates
  • Overseas police check (where applicable)

Regardless of the position, the above compliance checks will be undertaken; if the candidate does not meet our strict criteria they will not be offered any work. Should a candidate contravene any of these they will be removed from our register.

As a matter of course, we supply a confirmation of checks for all candidates, which comply with the most current vetting policies for schools[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]