01332 842424

As it was International Day of Education last month on the 24th of January, we wanted to first just take the opportunity to express the importance of education and the impact it can have on communities all around the world. Everyone has a fundamental right to education, no matter their background and we feel very passionately about highlighting how fortunate we are in this country to have the opportunities that we do. Being in education can be one of the most rewarding industries to be part of, due to the impact that teachers and support staff can have on a child’s life. That’s why we commit ourselves to supplying the best quality teachers and support staff to provide the best possible education and opportunities for our local children.

To ensure that we supply the best people, it is important that we get to know every person we send out and ensure that they are qualified and have experience, before they enter a school. It is also important to us that we make sure our supply staff feel like they are supported throughout every step with us, and this starts with the first call or email. We are only a phone call or message away, if you want advice or even just get something off your chest. You can be as honest as you like with us, we are here as a support system. We also understand that finding a job is not always the easiest so we are here to help in every capacity when people considering to register with us. It can be stressful and intimidating to start a new career path so we thought we would walk you through the process to show you that we are with you through every stage and what we would need from you during this registration period.

  1. In the process of registering someone new, we first advertise to be able to reach new teachers and teaching assistants. This is through many different formats such as social media, telephone and email marketing, but also through word of mouth.

  2. From that you will contact us in some format and this part we really enjoy because we get to know a little bit about you and we can understand what you would want, in terms of the type of work, the distance you wish to travel and the age group you would prefer to work with. We also chat to you about what we can offer you.

  3. We next have to check your qualifications and check that they match our criteria and expectations. This also includes any relevant experience you may have.

  4. Once we are happy with everything, we will arrange an interview with you. This is where we go over all your references and requested documents, but most importantly, it is a great opportunity for you to meet the team and for us to get to know you and your skill set.

  5. After we have met you and are happy, we then check over all of your references, DBS, TRN number and then we can build a safeguarding checklist. This part of the process is all down to our Compliance Manager, Claire Morgan.

  6. Once all the checks are completed and we are happy with the standard, we will then start placing you into bookings from schools. Although, we ensure that we match the booking with your stated preferences such as; location and size of school because we care about what you want. We will never force you to go anywhere that you don’t want to.


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From Team Claire’s x